On December 14, 2014 the Applied Measurement Science autumn seminar took place. It was a long and intense day, full of very interesting measurement science. As a nice feature of the seminar, all the students currently studying in the AMS programme were present. So, on the left there is the picture of all the AMS students as of Dec 2014. Thank you, Illia, for this excellent picture!
As is typical for the AMS programme, the range of topics that students are investigating is very diverse. Just some examples:
- Determination of 210Pb and 210Po with Liquid Scintillation Counting
- Characterization of a graphene-based catalyst for oxygen electroreduction
- Geological dating using ICP/MS
- Screening of newborns for hereditary disorders using LC/MS
- Metrological underpinning of calibration of hygrometers
- Studying the light-harvesting process in photosynthesis
- Validation of climatic chamber for high-accuracy thermal tests
- Creating acidity scale in water-acetonitrile mixture
I take here the opportunity to express the best wishes for the New Year 2015 to all present, past and future students of AMS and EACH!