Gert Suurkuusk discussing with Assoc. Prof. Uno Mäeorg

Gert Suurkuusk discussing with Assoc. Prof. Uno Mäeorg

On Tuesday Jun 8 Gert Suurkuusk defended his master thesis on a very interesting topic: Determination of Cannabinoids by Gas Chromatography. The title of the thesis is Validation of the gas chromatographic method for THC, CBD and CBN determination. THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol – is the active substance of marijuana and is a carefully monitored substance. In Estonia as in most European Union countries it is legal to grow cannabis in which the THC concentration does not exceed 0.2%. This is the so-called agricultural cannabis, which is grown for its fibre, energy, seeds and oil. At the same time in illegal cannabis and its products the THC concentration reaches up to almost 30%. The analytical method developed by Gert is already in routine use at the Estonian Forensic Science Institute and within the accreditation scope of the institute.

4 Responses

  1. Ivo Leito says:

    It is fully OK if you use our content if you cite it. That is the whole idea!
    (I was not able to reply by e-mail)

  2. lowryder says:

    Funny ! this really is fantastic. So what on earth transpired?

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