EcoBalt_2016_Group_PhotoOn Wednesday 12.10.16 the EcoBalt 2016 conference – first time organized in Tartu, Estonia – finished successfully! 42 oral talks and 43 posters were offered to the more than 150 participants from more than 25 countries. The conference featured two tutorial sessions – on measurement uncertainty and on validation of LC/MS analytical methods. The mesmerizing introductory multimedia presentation by Sven Zacek about Estonian nature and the stunning closure talk about “impossible things” by Meelika Hirmo from Let’s Do It! World were certainly among the highlights of the conference.

A number of AMS and EACH students participated in the conference.

We thank all the participants for making EcoBalt 2016 a success!

Full information about the conference, including the conference programme and EcoBalt 2016 Book of Abstracts can be found at the EcoBalt 2016 website.

EcoBalt 2016 was organized by the University of Tartu with Tallinn University of Technology and Estonian Environmental Research Centre.

EcoBalt2016 received financial support from a number of sources. We thank all supporters! Without their help the conference would not have been possible.

  • EU_Regional_Development_Fund_horizontalFor organisation of international events and conferences from Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure in cooperation with the Enterprise Estonia tourism development centre from funding provided by the European Union Regional Development Fund.
  • kik_eng_logo_horizontalSecond day of the conference was fully supported by Environmental Investment Centre.
  • The following companies supported the conference: LaboChema, Ramboll, Ordior, Quantum, SyntPot, HNK, Waters, Armgate and LanLab.


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