11 Sep
Electrospray Ionization Efficiency Scale of Organic Compounds (Talk at 14th Nordic MS Conference)
Posted by: Ivo Leito
Ion Evaporation mechanism of ESI
Mass spectrometer (MS) with electrospray ionization (ESI) coupled to a liquid chromatograph (LC) has during the recent decade become the most widespread analysis method of analysis for a vast number of microconstituents and contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, drug residues, etc) in a large diversity of samples (food, feed, blood, environmental samples, etc). A key component of the system is the electrospray ion source (ESI source), which converts the molecules (or ions) in the liquid phase to gas-phase ions. The mechanism of electrospray ionization (electrospray ionisation mechanism, ESI mechanism) is complex and although the ESI technique is widely used, the mechanism of ESI is still not fully understood. An important feature of electrospray is that not all molecules are readily ionized. The general principles and features of molecular structure governing the efficiency of ESI ionization are known, but there is still a long way to go until the full understanding of the process and electrospray mechanism is gained.
Chair of Analytical Chemistry of University of Tartu is strongly involved in unraveling the mystery of ESI ionization mechanism. As a tool for this an extensive
scale of ionization efficiencies containing 62 compounds with ionization efficiencies ranging by a factor of about 1 000 000 has been compiled and is further supplemented by adding more compounds.
This scale was presented at the 14th Nordic MS Conference. The full presentation can be downloaded from
Article about this ESI ionization efficiency scale has been published in the journal
Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 2865-2872. Studies on ESI ionisation mechanism continue.
I know that is seriously boring and you are skipping on the next comment, but I just wanted to throw you a big many thanks – you cleared up some things for me!
For purposes of protecting the environment, as well as the populace, the scientific community is called upon to analyze contaminants such as pesticides and drug residues. Great to know that the University of Tartu is helping the community to untangle the mystery of ESI ionization mechanism.
Thanks for sharing this kind of stuff… great. Been looking for this article for long time ago and finally found here. thanks for sharing this post. appreciate!