On Nov 29, 2011 a seminar was held in Tallinn, which summarized the results of the study “Metrology in Estonia, its current status, economic impact, trends and needs analysis” carried out during 2010-2011 jointly by BDA Consulting, University of Tartu and Metrosert Ltd. The key of the used methodology was a sophisticated questionnaire, which was distributed to a large number of industrial and related companies resulting in 450 responses. The report of the study provides a thorough analysis of the responses to these questionnaires, both in terms of measurement areas and in terms of industry sectors.
On the seminar presentations were given by Marikai Karilaid (project coordinator, BDA) on methodology of the study, Toomas Kübarsepp (Metrosert) on the status and needs analysis of the national metrology infrastructure, Kaarel Simson (Metrosert) on the economic impact of metrology on economy in general and industry in particular. The seminar was completed and summarized by Ivo Leito (University of Tartu) with the presentation Measurements and chemical analyses in Estonia: Trends for the coming years outlining the trends in the measurement area expected for the coming years. The english translation of this latter presentation is available from here (with a couple of additional remarks). Around 30 repersentatives of industry and stakeholders of measurement infrastructure attended the seminar. The final report (in estonian) will be available within couple of months.
An important result of the study, having relevance to the AMS programme, is that the importance of education in the area of measurements and chemical analysis is increasing and the employment oulook for people having high-level education in measurement science or analytical chemistry is very good.