On Oct 26-27, 2010 a graduation ceremony was held at the EC JRC-IRMM (Geel, Belgium) where the first Euromaster certificates of the MSC Euromaster consortium were awarded to the first 32 graduates of the MSC consortium. The home universities of the students are University of Tartu, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University of Warsaw, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Adam Mickiewicz University, University of Lisbon and University of Maribor.

Please see the photo gallery of the MSC graduation ceremony.

The Estonian National TV (ETV) was present at the event and a story about it was included in the “Aktuaalne Kaamera” (AK, “Timely Camera”) prime-time news release on 27.10.2010. You can watch the story at:

The newsrelease is altogether ca 40 min long (incl weather and sports), but you do not need to watch all, you can scroll to the right places: the Euromaster-related parts are in the time intervals 1:15-1:30 (short intro) and 17:49-20:30 (main story). Since ETV made the story for the Estonian audience it is centered around the Estonian students and University of Tartu. Please find below a short translation (main story only).

Dictors: Seven young chemistry graduates from University of Tartu can now make at top-level determination of different compounds harmful for the human health, doping substances, etc. These young people are among the first Euromasters of chemical measurements.

Priit Rajalo (reporter, in the background): Two years ago eight European universities established a joint master’s programme to educate students in chemical measurements. Yesterday the first 33 young measurement scientists from Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, France, Portugal and Finland were awarded the certificates proving their skills (comment: there is a small mistake here, actually there were no Bulgarian or Finnish students present). The ceremony took place at the JRC IRMM in Geel, Belgium. This institute is one of the most powerful centers of chemical measurements on the planet and their influence in this area is very strong in the whole world. IRMM has helped the universities in setting up this joint programme.

Ivo (in the background): without a doubt, they are among the most competent experts in analytical chemistry and chemical measurements in Europe. We can be sure that the analytical results obtained by them or under their guidance are indeed reliable and correct.

Priit Rajalo (holding the certificate): This certificate is a highly significant document in Europe and in the whole world in the field of chemical measurements. Seven graduates of University of Tartu now have this certificate. The areas where this certificate is of use are diverse.

Ivo: These people know how to make determination of e.g. mycotoxins, heavy metals, drug residues, doping substances, etc in a wide range of objects and samples.

Priit Rajalo (in the background): The awardees say that this certificate enhances their possibilities to get a good job.

Madis Juurma (student): It has already influenced my life: I have got a very good job. And one of my coursemates has already received several job offers from Europe.

Karin Kipper (student): The acquired skills and knowledge will be of big help in getting a job in the future and being competitive.

Priit Rajalo (in the background): University of Tartu is also proud to belong to the consortium, which now contains already nine universities and is about to adopt still more members.

Peeter Burk (Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Tartu): We are seeing a constant increase of popularity of our international master’s programmes, first of all the Applied Measurement Science programme, abroad. One of the reasons surely is that we have during the recent years become an internationally well-known centre in the area of chemical measurements.

Priit Rajalo: “Aktuaalne Kaamera” attended the graduation ceremony on the invitation from the JRC.

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