Retable of the high altar of the St. Nicholas' (Niguliste) Church in Tallinn

Retable of the high altar of the St. Nicholas’ (Niguliste) Church in Tallinn

On Oct 20-23, 2014 the investigation workshop “Rode Altarpiece in Close-up” took place in Tallinn (Niguliste church) and in Tartu (laboratories of UT Chemicum). It was conducted in the framework of a the project “History, Technical Investigation and Conservation of the Retable of the High Altar of Tallinn’s St. Nicholas’ Church
2013–2015” funded by the EU Regional Development Fund.

In Tallinn (20-21.10.14) the participants – conservation practitioners and students of art history and conservation – were given an overview of the practices and techniques of conservation science. Ivo Leito gave an overview of Analytical chemistry instruments and conservation research at UT Chemicum. an important part of the Tallinn session was taking small samples from the altar. In Tartu (22-23.10.14) the participants analysed the samples taken from the altar using the instruments available in Chemicum under the supervision of research fellow Signe Vahur.

The retable of the high altar of the St. Nicholas’ (Niguliste) Church in Tallinn is one of the most magnificent and best preserved northern German altar retables from the Late Middle Ages. The retable was made in the workshop of the well-known Lübeck master Hermen Rode in 1478. More than forty saints and biblical figures are depicted in the retable and it is among the largest retables from the 15th-century Hanseatic cities.






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